The Well Tempered Master Clock Sine to square converter/fanout/switched output

Sine to square converter and fanout
Sine to square converter and clock switch

The TWTMC-STS-FSDO converts the sine wave output of 2 oscillators or frequency doublers into square wave. It provides 2 outputs for each input (fanout) or 2 switched output between the 2 inputs. It can be controlled via a single fixed on-off signal or via two independent fixed/pulse signals. It accepts sine wave or square wave inputs, the outputs are 3V3 CMOS.


Oscillator type: any

Input: sine wave (max +16 dBm) or square wave (CMOS 3V3 or 5V)

Frequencies: 5.6448 MHz to 98.304 MHz

Output: square wave (CMOS 3V3 +15 dBm)

Controls: 3V3 (5V tolerant) with optical isolation

Board size: 100mm x 90mm

Power supply: 3.3 Vdc 50 mA (150 mA peak when relays switch)

Board options: finished only

Note: TWTMC-STS-FSDO-F (fanout option) and TWTMC-STS-FSDO-S (switched out option)

Measurements and download

TWTMC-STS-FSDO phase noise measurements