The Well Synchronized Asynchronous FIFO buffer

The TWSAFB-LT is an asynchronous FIFO buffer intended to isolate the DAC from the source, getting them operating in different and fully isolated time domains.
Input format: I2S/DoP/DSD
Inputs: 4 x selectable I2S input
Output format: compatible with almost all modern and old DACs (I2S, PCM and DSD)
Custom output format: for TDA1541A (offset binary), TWSDAC-LT DAC Lite, Soekris DAM1021 upgrade, AD5791, TDA1541A and AD1862 dual mono sign magnitude
Clock mode: stopped or continuous clock
Dither: 8 x selectable dither depth separately for each source, not available in DSD mode (used in case of data truncation, eg 24 to 16 bit for the TDA1541A)
FIFO buffer depth: 8 x selectable buffer depth separately for each source, from 65kb to 8Mb
Optional: digital DAC calibration to reach the best precision, TWSDAC-LT DAC Lite and maybe other DACs (not available in DSD mode); Return to Zero logic for DSD output format
Configuration: all settings can be configured one time by USB connection to the Windows application
Optional: user interface to manage some function on the fly like source selection, dither, enable/disable DAC calibration and so on
Master Clock selection: T-switch configuration relais to select the sample rate family instead of multiplexers
Optical isolation: MCK and LRCK optical isolated from the FPGA and the micro to avoid interferences (BCK too with the TWSAFB-OIR reclocker board)
External Master Clock: SMA connectors for external clocks
No RF: micro controller in standby during listening (no RF interference at all)
Direct clock output: LRCK directly from the MCK (optical isolation) instead of from the FPGA
Phase noise: very low phase noise outputs (MCK, LRCK, BCK with TWSAFB-OIR board)
Board size: 160 x 117 mm
TWSAFB-LT Settings Windows Application
64-bit operating system like Microsoft Windows 7 or later
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 or later
Windows Installer 3.1 or later
Input: USB connection to the TWSAFB-LT
Functionality: Allows to configure one time all the TSWAFB-LT Settings
Optional: It can be used in unplugged mode to check DAC compatibility
Update: Automatic update when a new version is available

The TWSAFB-UI is an optional user interface to manage some function on the fly like source selection, dither, enable/disable DAC calibration and so on
Inputs and power supply: TWSAFB-LT User Interface flat cable
Display: Sample rate, Selected source, Selected dither option
Settings: source selection, dither, enable/disable DAC calibration
Board size: 91 x 53 mm

The TWSAFB-OI is an optional board intended to optically isolate the DAC from the dirty part of the I2S signal coming from the FPGA (BCK, DR, DL).
Recommended for DACs which switch on LRCK or MCK signals like TDA1541A, AD1862, AD1865, ESS Sabre, AKM and so on.
Outputs: Optically isolated I2S DL/WS, DR/DATA, BCK
Power supply: clean regulated 3.3VDC/20mA
Board size: 58 x 54 mm

The TWSAFB-OIR is an optional board intended to optically isolate the DAC from the I2S signal coming from the FPGA. All the I2S signals are reclocked by the clean MCK.
Recommended for DACs which switch on BCK signals like PCM1704, PCM1794, PCM63 and so on.
Outputs: Clean MCK, Optically isolated and reclocked I2S BCK/LRCK, DL/WS, DR/DATA, BCK
Power supply: clean regulated 3.3VDC/40mA
Board size: 61 x 60 mm