The TWSDAC-LT-BNDL is the 384 kHz DAC Lite bundle. The bundle include the following boards:
- TWTMC-DRIXO 11.2896 MHz oscillator finished board with crystal
- TWTMC-DRIXO 12.288 MHz oscillator finished board with crystal
- TWSAFB-LT FIFO buffer finished board
- TWSAFB-UI User interface finished board
- TWSDAC-LT segmented R2R DAC Lite finished board
- TWRPS-UGL low noise power supply for oscillators finished board
- TWRPS-LT-TB transformers bank bare board
- TWRPS-LT low noise power supply for FIFO buffer finished board
- TWRPS-TS low noise power supply for DAC Lite finished board
The following items has to be sourced to to complete the DAC:
- through hole components to populate the TWRPS-LT-TB transformers bank
- box for DAC and oscillators