Reply To: The well Source…

Forum Digital source The well Source… Reply To: The well Source…


    Well, that sounds like a low-latency guy…


    I studied computer-science. And i understand roughly what the internals are needed to get to a determined real-time system. But I am not convinced that the overhead, the ultrafast interruption of our pcm data processing is what we want actually.


    For me the real-time systems bring a certain sound which is very controlled and a cwrtain level of greyness to the music. Tone is suffering, but trebles are super resoluted…But overall, it is more computersound and overall not very natural.

    Try it and listen to voices, fines transients of percussions etc…you will see what i mean.


    Many years ago we played with those Alsa buffers and USB Packs…and it became clear that there are two groups of listenes…the transistor type of guys and the triode lovers type of guys…those who love control and those who prefers a very free, natural representation…


    I advise to try the exact opposite: Pemption=none. 100Hz timer. As low overhead as possible, as low interrupts as possible. Try it and listen…