Reply To: Standalone Rpi source

Forum Digital source Standalone Rpi source Reply To: Standalone Rpi source


    Dear Andrea,

    I have not yet installed your shunts but they test OK.

    My current issue is playback: sometimes I have the music stuttering regularly.

    My standalone source is: RPi4 with Volumio 3 on sdcard, 2.5″ SSD with a USB3 adapter. Everything is powered with your dedicated supply.

    I have tried to reset Volumio to factory, fresh install,… and it is still stuttering.

    Sometimes it goes away with no apparent reason, and stays fine during weeks.

    I have not found any process overstressing the drive or CPU, but I constantly get the “low power” warning.

    I have tried to disable throttling with software, but’s it’s not possible. I think it’s  power issue.


    What would you do? Is there a limiting resistor somewhere on your board?

    Should I add a capacitor close to the load for better absorbing spikes?

    I don’t have a powered USB SSD adaptor to try, but last time without the SSD and from a USB key, it was still stuttering.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by G600.